a BROKEN Family~

momentskylie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just came back from Station R together with Joyce,Doreen and Nanny~

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Just back frm college and finish my lunch~

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Thursday night, i with my college buddies celebrate my dear Doreen birthdays together at Kampar...This day really make me happy and fun...I feel tht our friendship are get more closer...Even next year we ll separate and went to another place to continue studying...

But I ll cherish the times when i at Kampar...Before tht, i'm damn worry my life at Tar college, i worry about i have no friends, i had rejection by other and...But since i know Joyce,Doreen,Amy and Sister, i feel tht i'm very fortune... I can feel tht we like a family, always ll caring each other...Somemore, i won't forget the times we hang out together, yumcha, eating our favorites (yu dan fen) and...

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momentskylie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


好贊啊~ 昨晚和Josephine還有她的同學一起去了雲頂觀賞了方大同在大馬的第一場演唱會...(也是我的第一次=.='')

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